lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

NEW** Reality Tattoo Gacha

NEW** Reality Tattoo Gacha

Event  @Oh My Gacha
it come with:

-9  Commons
-1 Rare
-1 Special
-Appliers for body ( Omega and TMP )
-Appliers for head ( Catwa and Omega)
-3 different tones ( Special only dark and light tones)
-After 15 plays  get the special as a gift

April 7th-Opening @ 8AM SLT

TP here

sábado, 7 de abril de 2018

NEW--@The Men Jail

--NEW--My Life Tattoo 

Exclusive for Men 

--Full body
--3 different tones (dark, middle and light)
it come with Signature, TMP, Omega and Catwa Appliers

--The event opens April 8th