domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013


hair-(Chemistry) Hair - Tamora
headband-O.M.E.N - Band, Bead & Blade @body modification
brows-.random.Matter. Severity - Eyebrows
eyes-.random.Matter. - Ascent Eyes
makeup eyes-SuPerBia TaTs >TiReD eYeShaDoWs
makeup lips-.random.Matter. - Gothique - Lipstick
teeth-DeeTaleZ Teeth Realistic with Braces
ears plugs-AITUI [MESH] - Stretched Ears - 3"
collar and cuff-SuPerBia *SeT 2* CoLLaR & CuFFs
nails-IAF Mesh Nails and Rings
tattoo body-Suicide Gurls - Galio Unisex Tattoo
drees-.StrawBerry. My Hipster Dress (NEW)
elbows-Chary- Group Gift (elbow pads)
socks-Raven Designs  Garter Stockings Full Colour (NEW)
tattoo arms and legs-Chary - Fades.
boots-Corvus :  Skulls Combat Boots (NEW)

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